Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Glad that's over!

I just finished my very last Christmas order. Everything is packaged up and properly addressed. I can't wait to take these to the post office then I won't have anything to worry about! Whew!

Now that that's all taken care of I can finally get to Christmas shopping or making something for people. I have had no time for shopping while trying to catch up on my orders and recovering from a surgery. This past week has been very difficult. Thankfully I've had some super awesome friends that have been looking after me while I've been dealing with after-surgery awfulness.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

First knitting class!

My very first knitting class will be tonight from 5pm-7pm and I'm really nervous. I'm trying to think of ways to teach the class without losing control over everything. Hopefully I'll have a full classroom with really nice people in it. I was thinking of things to give to my students and really drew a blank. I can't give them a starter knitting kit because the whole point of having that class is to have people buy from the store. It's how they make their money. Also, I'm not sure when to collect their money. Before or after the class? If I teach them and then collect their money there's the chance that someone might not have the money and they just got a free class.

Again, I hope it's a bunch of really, really nice individuals. Maybe next week I'll have an idea of what to give my students. I was thinking of a charm bracelet and then adding a charm for each week they show up, but that would be way too expensive. Cute, but costly. I could try to make the bracelets. I'll have to see how much that would be.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Twilight Sparkle!

Though I am not a fan of My Little Pony, I will be making more pony hats. I have quite a few Brony friends and there are way too many people out there who truly enjoy the show for me not to make Pony hats for them. I've been doing the unicorn hats for years now so the MLP transition should be smooth.

I just bought the yarn for a Twilight Sparkle hat. I've been getting a lot of requests for her so she's next. I've got made to order Rainbow Dash hats up for sale right now on my Etsy shop.

One of the criticisms I've gotten over my pony hats is that they don't have the cutie marks on them, which some people think is lazy. The reason why I don't do it like that is because these are meant to be worn as cosplays to make you look like the character, not to represent the character. The cutie marks go on the rear, not the head.  If you notice with my other animal hat designs, I never add a face to the hat. Your face is the face. 

I'll eventually get to the point that I can make the other main ponies as well. I occasionally get requests to do Pinkie Pie and Applejack, but I've yet to get a Rarity request. The ones I get the most requests for is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, so those were the ones I started with. 

[rant] I hate it when people request that I make a specific pony, or anything really, and then have no interest in actually purchasing it. I would rather spend my time and money making something that I know will sell than take random requests and lose that time and money. It really annoys me sometimes how people don't understand that I have to actually charge them money for my work and then they get offended that I would actually ask them for money for something that I made. It's like they forget that I am running a business. Or they try to play the friend card and I haven't seen them in years. My real friends are the ones who at least offer to pay. I try to work out deals for them because they understand.[/rant]

Monday, November 12, 2012


I'm going to make an attempt to get some friends together today to do a photoshoot. Today I'm at least playing with some damn makeup. Hmph.

Today is going to be fabulous.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Doctor Scarf

I just sold yet another Dr. Who scarf. My shoulder is going to fall right off. This is going to be me for the next few days.

I don't mind it though. I could really use the money. Gotta pay them bills. And eat. Eating's important too. I just wish sometimes that people would commission me for clothing every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Shipment Received!

I finally got a hold of my new choker findings! I just added the ribbon clamps to several chokers and they look amazing! I love how my chokers are evolving into perfection. After I perfect these little guys I'll start coming out with various patterns.

I can't wait to start taking pictures and listing these on my Etsy site. So many new colors and new cameos. The bronze findings look amazing! The new gun metal findings are gorgeous! As soon as I sell some I'll order more parts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scoodie Tutorial

Things you will need:
* Size 10 Straight Needles
* Size 10 Circular Needles (CNs)
* Cable Needle
* Tapestry Needle
* One skein any color/weight yarn (preferably something soft)

This project is worked in two sections. The hood is made for sizes S (M, L) when one number is given it is for all sizes.

CO 18 sts
Work garter st 4 rows on straight needles and begin working in project pattern below.
Row 1: (RS) K3, YO, K2tog, P1, K6, P1, K2tog, YO, K3
Row 2: (WS) K2, P3, K1, P6, K1, P3, K2
Row 3: K3, K2tog, YO, P1, K6, P1, YO, K2tog, K3
Row 4: Rep row 2 on all WS rows
Row 5: Rep row 1
Row 7: K3, K2tog, YO, P1, CF6, P1, YO, K2tog, K3
Row 8: Rep row 2
Rep these 8 rows until scarf reaches desired length. Finish last 4 rows in garter st. BO.

Take CNs and pick up 60 (65, 70) sts, CO 30. Work in round without dec until hood measures 8 ins. Cut about a 12 inch tail. Use tapestry needle and thread tail through sts and draw string hood closed. Sew hole shut. Add a pom-pom or fringes if desired. 

Cable and Lace Chart


* - K on RS/P on WS
- - P on RS/K on WS
O - YO
2 - K2tog
CB\6LF - Cable 6 sts left

Fishtail Market Bag Tutorial

What you will need:
·         One skein any choice medium weight yarn
·         Size 10 circular needles
·         Stitch markers

Skills you will need:
·         Knit
·         Purl
·         Decreases
·         YO
·         Binding off
·         i-cord

Fishtail Lace Pat (Intermediate)
Multiple of 8 sts +1
1. (RS) K1, *YO, K2, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, K2, YO, K1; rep from * to end.
2. K
3. K2, *YO, K1, S 1, K2tog, PSSO, K1, YO, K3; rep from * to last 7 sts, YO, K1, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, K1, YO, K2
4. K
5. K3, *YO, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, YO, K5, rep from * to last 6 sts, YO, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, YO, K3
6. K
Rep these 6 rows.















= knit, - = purl, / - k2tog, \ - ssk, Y – YO, /|\ - [sl 1 st, k2tog, psso]   

Fishtail Lace Bag
Worked on size 10 circular needles
CO 74 sts
1. PM, K6, PM, K31, PM, K6, PM, K31
2. SM, K6, SM, M1, K to st before next M, M1, SM, K6, SM, M1, K to last st, M1 - 78 sts
3. K
4. SM, K6, SM, M1, K to st before next M, M1, SM, K6, SM, M1, K  to last st, M1 - 82 sts
5. K
Rep this process until you have 90 sts.
Dec 1 st in middle - 89sts
Work 1 row garter st
Work fishtail lace pat 7 times or until bag meas 20 ins from garter row. Work 4 rows garter, BO. Make two 19 in I-cord straps, sew onto bag. You can do a strap instead of a cord if you wish.
Sew bottom closed using whatever method you prefer. (I like to use the three-needle bind off method with the wrong side out. :P)